
Unlocked 3G iPhone: $785

$785 for the unlocked 8GB iPhone, $893 for the unlocked 16GB iPhone.
However, as they are being sold in Italy, I assume that includes tax.

In Euros, the prices are 499€ and 569€.

Belgium has a cool law that prohibits mandatory service contracts when
buying a product.

C$785 may seem like alot, but a two year contract with ATT will cost
you US$919 ($30 x 24 + $199).

So if you don't plan on using the 3G feature, that is a savings of
$134 (there is no duty on iPhones).

Keep in mind the curency fluctuations. By the way, why is the € worth
so much if they don't have a drop of oil?

Envoyé depuis mon iPod / Sent from my iPod touch.

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