
Liblogs Parasites

I don't know about you, but I despise parasites.

Cherniak says he sent an e-mail on October 18. A copy is on his blog:

All members must have a link to the new site with the standard size graphic.
While you do not have to include the list of links to all others, I strongly
suggest that you do. This is a simply matter of ethics ? is it fair to accept
links from others if you will not return the favour?

The vast majority of the blogs in my parasite list do not yet have the new link. Many do not have the graphic.

I'll be reviewing the list of shame to reflect the new rule that makes the Java generated member list optional. Let me know if your blog is now compliant.

Here is a list of Liblog parasites:

-A Big Canada (No list, no graphic, old link)
-A Canadian Publius **DRYDEN**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Adam's Adventures in England (No list, no graphic, old link)
-Alter Boys (No list, old link)
-BC Undecided (No list, old link)
-Black Wolfs Blog (No list, old link)
-blevkog (No list, old link)
-Blog Rae (No list, old link)
-Bowie Call (No list, old link)
-Brison Blogs (No list, old link)
-Calgary Grit (No list, old link)
-Canada2 (No list, no graphic, old link)
-Canehdian Liberal **BRISON**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Carolyn Bennett **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Centre Block (No list, old link)
-Colin's Commentary (No list, old link)
-Confined No More (No list, no graphic, old link)
-Curiously Liberal (No list, old link)
-Dave 2.0 **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Daveberta **Kennedy**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Davey's Politics (No list, old link)
-DLiberal **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Doucheblog **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Echo Dion **DION**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Flights of Fancy **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-For liberalism and Democracy in Québec and Canada (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-fragmunt (SPAM Blog)
-Fuddle Duddle (No list, old link, and what's up with the small print?)
-Gauntlet.ca - the politics of .ca (No list, old link)
-Gerard's Online Community **KENNEDY**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Go Brison! (No list, old link)
-Harper's Deceptions and the Liberal Leadership Race (No list, old link)
-Hit & Miss Political Commentary (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-iggynation.ca **IGNATIEFF**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-In the Footsteps of Chrétien (No list, old link)
-Inside Ottawa, from a student's perspective (No list, old link)
-Jon Gerrard's Blog (No list, old link)
-Jordan Glass Times **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-La ruche (No list, old link)
-Le monde politique et judiciaire **IGNATIEFF**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-liberal catnip (No list, no graphic, old link)
-Liberal For Life (an agragator of agragragators!)
-Liberal Lite (No list, old link)
-Liberal Outsider (No list, old link)
-Liberal Party Leadership SPAM
-Liberal Red Tory Blog **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Liberals 4 evr (No list, old link)
-Libnews.ca (No list, old link)
-Little Red Leaf (No list, old link)
-Lobster Thermidor (No list, old link)
-Michael Ignatieff's Campaign Blog **IGNATIEFF**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Michelle's World **RAE**(Double Parasite, no list, graphic but no link!)
-Moderate Post **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Murphy's Pit (No list, old link)
-Musings of a Westmount Liberal (No list, old link)
-Nav Purewal (No list, old link)
-Nicole Martel **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Nobleton Clear (No list, old link)
-Northern Light **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-nottawa **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-OffalNews (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Ottlib (No list, old link)
-PersonallyPenny (No list, old link)
-Peter Allan Ker (No list, old link)
-Peter's Politics (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Politiks Can (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Revelation 22.22 (No list, old link)
-Ryan's World (Triple Parasite, no list, no link, no blog!)
-SHO (No list, old link)
-Sinestra (No list, old link)
-Smart Canucks SPAM, but does have list
-Social Lib (No list, no graphic, old link)
-Stafferblog (No list, old link)
-susan.com (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Tarek Fatah (No list, old link)
-The Battle of the Grits (No list, old link)
-The Centre Block (No list, old link)
-The Chronicles of Gorthos **?**(Double Parasite, no list or link)
-The Digital Memoirs Of An Old Soul (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-The Holmes Blog (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-The John Lennard Experience (No list, old link)
-The Liberal Factor (No list, old link)
-The Liberal Leadership Campaign (No list, old link)
-The Rest of the Story (No list, old link)
-The Sir Robert Bond Papers (No list, old link)
-The Steel City Grit (No list, old link)
-The What do I Know Grit (No list, old link)
-Thought and Style (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-Trogdor the Burninator (No list, old link)
-University of Ottawa Young Liberals (No list, old link)
-Views from the Waters's Edge (No list, old link)
-Vijay Sappani (No list, old graphic modified, old link)
-where'd that bug go (No list, old link)
-Whig (Double Parasite, no list or link)
-While the Earth Burns (No list, old link)
-Yappa Ding Ding (No graphic)
-Yes Another Liberal Blog (Old list)
-Youth of the Youth (No list, old link)

All the others are in compliance.


Steve V said...

Someone needs to get out more. You forgot me too :)

Altavistagoogle said...

I'm fine with having the list optional, that would be my preference. But as it stands, the rule is quite clear: the list is mandatory.

Altavistagoogle said...

Shoshana Berman's blog was removed today for not having it, you could be next Steve. ;-)

Steve V said...

I doubt that was the reason. The list is ridiculously long, and besides that would mean I would directly link to this embarrassing propaganda you call a blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

My shit never gets posted to liblogs anyway. I've asked Jason Cherniak to allow my stuff to get posted but unfortunately he thinks he's pretty cute by censoring me.

While the Earth Burns.
And Burn it does: Vote Republican, Vote Iggy, let's complete the liquidation project. Stay the course.

S. said...

The list is there, but so many of the links on that list don't update! Isn't there some way I can remove half of those defunct ones?

Anonymous said...

Why have you labeled my blog SmartCanucks.ca as spam?

Sure I don't have any political posts, but as far as I understand Liblogs is for all Canadians supporting the Liberal party.

I do not have any other competing parties like the Tories or NDP on my blog (Green isn't really a serious competitor - I just love their environmental cause) and I do have the full Liblogs list.

So why call my blog "SPAM"?

I spend hours daily on my blog and I never tried spamming anyone. I feel very offended for labeling my blog as spam :-(

Please consider the time and effort other bloggers put into their blogs before accusing them.

Altavistagoogle said...

Thanks Justin, I didn't get Cherniak's e-mail.

Sasha and Liberal Pebbles, you are off my list of shame. Thanks for your cooperation.

Boo Radley, your blog is not political. Why do you want to be on Liblogs? As far as I can tell, it is just advertising without any content.

S.K. said...

It was the supposed reason and youonlyneed a link which I have had on my blog for a couple of weeks now. I have informed Jason that he needs to remove these blogs if he wants to have credibility. BEtween youand me removing myblog had nothing to do with not having a link. Jason is full of bullshit all the time and he needs to be called on it. I have also reapplied three times to have my blog placed back on the list and he has yet to do so.

Altavistagoogle said...

How is the court case going Shoshana? I though you would be in jail by now.

S.K. said...

If you don't want me to read your blog oir participate, just let me know. If not, cut the bullshit. If your aim is to silence women with intimidation, it won't work. If you ask for me not to participate on your political???blog, I'd be more than happy to oblige

Glyn (Zaphod) Evans said...

Awesome! I'mn not a parasite :P

S.K. said...

I could go further and ask you to examine what you are advocating on your political??? blog. Mother's aren't entitled to a political opinion unless you approve of them? Mother's shouldn't be allowed to vote unless you approve? Disenfranchisement?? Even if I were in jail, which I'm not nor will I be, what is your point???? Please examine your glibb comentary and what it says to women who choose to participate in the political process. What yo9u are advocating is very very right wing, to the point of being Republican.

Altavistagoogle said...

Shoshana, is your court case over or not? You are facing criminal charges for a violent act. You accuse me of intimidation!

Anonymous said...

Funny how you suggest all others are in compliance.

I notice one of the blogs (Red Tory) you go to and comment frequently is missing the links and also is missing from your list of shame.

Is it because you don't want to bear his wrath or that you are showing favoritism?

Just curious.

Altavistagoogle said...

Wow, Shoshana, you really are a teacher!

From Sitemetre:
Domain Name edu.on.ca ? (Canada)
IP Address 199.212.250.# (Waterloo County Board of Education)
ISP Waterloo County Board of Education
State/Region : Ontario
City : Kitchener
Time of Visit Nov 3 2006 11:58:03 am
Last Page View Nov 3 2006 12:06:33 pm
Visit Length 8 minutes 30 seconds
Page Views 5
Referring URL http://www.liblogs.ca/
Visit Entry Page http://altavistagoogle.blogspot.com/
Visit Exit Page http://altavistagoogle.blogspot.com/
Out Click 14 comments
Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Nov 3 2006 10:58:03 am

Jay said...

Why the hell am I on your list of shame?

I have the new graphic and the correct link to liblogs. My understanding is that the list is optional. I think you should check all the blogs out correctly before putting them on your juvenile wall of shame.


Altavistagoogle said...

Jay, did you even read my post befor commenting?

Under the new rule, your blog is indeed in compliance and has been removed from my list. Thanks for your collabortation.

Altavistagoogle said...

Red Tory was on my list of shame untill a few minutes ago. I checked and, although he does not have the list of Liblog members, he does comply with Cherniacks new rules, i.e. Red Tory has the graphic that links to liblogs.ca .

There may be others on my list as well, but I got distracted by Shoshana.

If you spot the compliant(or any non-compliant that I missed), let me know and the list will be modified accordingly (no, I don't have a life).

S.K. said...

So you just don't get it do you without a name anonymous alta vista. Think about what you are doing and you are more of a fascist that doesn't believe in privacy and a republican that believes in disenfranchisement than a Liberal. Oh yeah I forgot mysoginist.

Altavistagoogle said...

Shoshana Berman, because of the nature of the criminal charges against you, please refrain from posting to this blog until you are judged not guilty. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reply

"Boo Radley, your blog is not political"

Well Liblogs are for all supporters of the Liberal party whether or not they write about politics. All Canadians are entitled to vote and support a party not just the politicians or political writers.

Jason Cherniak never said that Liblogs was for political blogs only so where did you get this rule from?

"Why do you want to be on Liblogs? As far as I can tell, it is just advertising without any content"

Advertising? non of my posts are advertising and I don't make any money out of any of them. The only advertising I have on my blog is this lonely google bar on top of my blog.

Your blog has way more ugly google ads everywhere. Shouldn't you place yourself on your list of shame?

All I'm asking for is not to label my blog as SPAM without even reading it :-(

Altavistagoogle said...

Boo, your blog is Spam. It has nothing to do with being a Liberal. There are many other blog rolls you can be a part of. I don't know why you are part of Liblogs or Green Bloggers. Your blog is completely unrelated. You are a parasite and your blog stays on my wall of shame.

S.K. said...

There are no criminal charges against me moron. You the same person who didn't think I was a teacher? Nor would they be anyone's business if I did. Again stop being a republican, fascist and at least be honest. So mothers you don't approve of aren't allowed political opinions and shouldn't be allowed to vote or be members of the Liberal Party ? Again what is your point. I will be sure to remind everyone of that when you comment elsewhere. Even if I were in jail your views are Republican at best and fascist at worst. Oh yeah honesty and privacy well that's obviously a concept of which you have no grasp from a man who's anonymous. Oh yeah I forgot coward. Maybe you are a criminal? How would we know if you don't use your real name? Yeah coward.

Altavistagoogle said...

"There are no criminal charges against me".

Shoshana, you admited as much on your own blog a week ago! A quick Google search gives the details.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reply

Well as a first step I'd suggest you check out the definition of spam in a dictionary. Here are a couple of websites to get you started:

That's it for me on your blog. Do whatever you will, it's your blog, your life and I couldn't care less.

Saskboy said...

I went to just a link now.

Anonymous said...


Been there from the day I joined. My blogrolls are clearly linked to on the front page of my site.

Altavistagoogle said...

Thanks James. Amended.

Anonymous said...

ummm.. Jason asked me to remove my link because I am not Canadian. Please remove my site from your post.

The Holmes Blog.a

Anonymous said...

please remove my blog from your list. it's awful for google searches and i've asked to be removed from the liblogs roll.

[matcampbell .CA]

Unknown said...

Yes! Excellent writing, continue to keep in place the awesome job.

With Regards!

Nando's Menu

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this great post! It has been extremely helpful. I hope that you will continue posting your wisdom with us.

With Thanks!
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