
Blair Lawrence in Moncton Ward 2 Will Raise Taxes

Blair Lawrence and his opponent Mike Dawson are both running for Moncton's Ward 2 seat vacant because of the death of Merrill Henderson. The election is May 12th. 

Do either of them have a web page? Nope. Although Blair Lawrence does have a public Facebook page and Mike Dawson has a Kijiji page (!!!). So after spending way too much time gathering information from the Internet about the two candidates from various sources, here is a summary:

Blair Lawrence:

-Positions on anything: Unknown. He could be against puppies for all we known.
-Education: Unknown. 
-Work: Subject coordinator for the Anglophone East School District. Former vice-principal and teacher at Bernice MacNaughton High School (located in Ward 2). Subject taught? Unknown.
-Lives in ward?: Don't know.
-Volunteer work? Capitol theatre and Frye Festival boards of directors.

Mike Dawson.

-Position on anything: Unknown.
-Education: Not listed on his Linked-in. But he is former military so I'm guessing high school and whatever he learned in the military.
-Work: Former military (20 years) (including at Moncton's Garrison located in Ward 2). No current job. How old do you have to be to get your military pension?
-Lives in ward? Don't know. 
-Volunteer work? Various committees with his church.

So there you have it. That's it. That's the only information you have to base your decision on. Good luck. 

Blair Lawrence's does have a Facebook page. To be fair, it is a public page so you don't have to log into Facebook to read it. Unfortunately, I don't think you can link to specific pages on Facebook. If you are patient enough, you'll eventually land on his April 3nd posts. He is in favour of "integrity" and "long term growth" and he also tells us what his job is (oddly enough, only in French).

Blair Lawrence is also on Twitter. I suppose you could ask him questions.  

The salary for the part time council job is $18,000 a year

-Mike Dawson on Allevents.in
-Mike Dawson on WhereEvent.

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