This is the first story I read using the AP app with my iPod touch.
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This is the first story I read using the AP app with my iPod touch.
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Product (RED) fights Aids, not HIV. Prolonging the life of an HIV
infected person who does not practice safe sex is immoral. Period.
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Price Plan Downgrade Fee
If you have subscribed to an iPhone Voice & Data Package or a Voice Price Plan with a Monthly Service Fee of more than $30, then a Price Plan Downgrade Fee of $50 will be applied to your invoice if, for any reason, you change to a Price Plan with a Monthly Service Fee of $30 or less at any time during the Service Agreement Term.
My prediction was correct, almost everybody who get's an iPhone will
rave to others, so iPhone demand is actually exponential.
What I didn't predict was the lower price for Apple's stock... :-(
Envoyé depuis mon iPod / Sent from my iPod touch.
I have no doubt the remote and the NY Times apps will be upgraded to
'Get' as soon as I can get them to work.
This was done, and sent to this blog, using my iPod touch.
But I digress, as the point of this post is to write about the iPod
touch/ iPhone 2.0 software.
Buying software on the can is pretty ossom. By the way, many of the
apps look like pure crap. And since when is a 100 year old book
considered an application? Many of the 500 apps are actually books,
including far too many Bibles (but no Koran).
Super Monkey Balls has given me motion sickness. That could literally
be $10 down the drain.
The remote control (free and by Apple) looks cool enough but there are
no instructions and I can't figure out how tu use it. I've got the
code, but where do I put it? Google was no use, nor Apple Support. Help!
My favorite app is the virtual beer by Carlling, excellent. Although
maybe I shouldn't of had so much virtual beer before playing Super
Monkey Balls.
Don't tell anybody but the light saber is the coolest thing ever,
sjoom, sjoom.
I now have a currency conversion app. Not sure why that needed an app
as a web page would have been OK. But free is good in any curency.
Speaking of money, I can now use the $ sign on the French-Canadian
keybord. In 1.4, the $ sign came out as a € ! That was a major pain,
so I'm glad Apple fixed it. Living with that minor bug for 6 months
thought me an important lesson: minor bugs on something you use daily
become major bugs and I don't mind paying for less of them.
I can't afford the best car, but I can afford the best cell phone.
PS, my upgraded iPod touch will soon be for sale.
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Update 2008-07-11, 15:27. The iPhone 3G is sold out in Moncton, so I'm going to go on a limb and say the iPhone 3G is sold out in Canada. End of update.
Hard to argue with lower prices.I wish they would have simply removed
the onorous 50 cent per MB overage fee. But I guess this is OK. The
ironony is I'll probably be spending more them what I would have.
By the way, on an iPhone, 6GB is essentially unlimited.
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Vous ne pouvez pas acheter un iPhone 3G dans une boutique spécialisée et le brancher chez Telus ou Bell Mobilité, car Rogers en a décroché l'exclusivité canadienne. Il existe par contre un marché des ondes grises, où, en un tournemain, vous pouvez «débarrer» un iPhone acheté aux États-Unis et le connecter à un réseau comme Fido, par exemple.
«early adopters», un terme publicitaire décrivant les consommateurs qui créent les modes et qui ont le plus haut taux d'influence dans les réseaux sociaux.
Il n'y a qu'ici où la sortie du iPhone 3G a été égratignée
Bell offre l'accès illimité au web pour seulement 10 $ par mois, en plus des frais généraux de parlotte.
That seems a tad high to me.
The question that irks me, however, is why did they shut it down? Why
didn't they just continu taking orders with a disclaimor saying it
will take while to get the phone?
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How can O2 sell out of a product that isn't even available? The
company should have put a disclaimor "iPhones ordered will be
delivered as soon as the diverted Canadian iPhones get here".
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Both the O2 and carphonewharehouse sites have stopped working as a
probable result of iPhone orders.
Based on my knoweledge of servers, this means thousands of customers
are attempting to buy, sight unscene, the iPhone 3G every hour.
Simple math says that by the end of the week, O2 will have a couple
hundred thousand iPhone orders on the books...
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How many customers does it take to crash an online store? Hundreds?
How much money has O2 spent advertising the iPhone 3G? 0 pounds.
Apple? With the exception of Google key word advertising (I figure
Altavistagoogle raked in US$20 in June thanks to Apple), nothing. No
print, no TV, no radio. Apple has gone Hershey* with the iPhone.
Anyway, freedom 35 here I come! Yes, I own Apple shares and yes I'm
tired of filling margin calls...
*Hershey never advertised his chocolate and relied on merchandising
and word of mouth.
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Lining up is so American. Britain's O2 had the good idea to sell
iPhones in advance. Lucky customers will get theirs by courier Friday,
others may have to wait a couple of days/weeks/months.
Rogers should be doing this too.
Ironically, for some odd reason, the O2 online iPhone purchase web
site is aparently incompatible with the iPhone and Ipod touch. So
Brits have to use a computer to buy the iphone...
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5 people with university degrees (according to CNN) who want to change
the world by buying an iPhone .
The changing the world part would be organic farming. But to be
honest, I think these five globetrotters just really want iPhones...
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Petition against the data plans offered for the iPhone in Canada by Rogers Communications |
The best thing ever was the iPhone. According to the above link, the
iPhone 3G is 31% better.
But should you get one? If you are rich, obviously. The answer get's
tricky if you aren't.
The iPhone has significantly brought down Internet (aka data) usage
fees -although that isn't true if you are a fan of WEP (mobile
Internet). However, you probably aren't paying anything to have the
Internet on your phone. So you either will have to make sure you
profit from everywhere Internet or not spend the money somewhere else.
Factor about $30 more, per month, for this life changing feature that
you wan't, but probably don't need (yet).
Do you need the Internet? Then why not have it on your phone?
The Samsung Instict is a pretty good phone as long as you don't
compare it to the new iPhone 3G.
With Bell's unlimited Internet for $10 on the August 8th Instict, you
could get one and buy an iPod touch every year with the data plan
savings compared to Rogers and the iPhone.
However, that $10 per month unlimited Internet probably has fine print
that makes the deal less appealing...
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Tim Hortens doesn't have newspapers either. If you leave yours behind,
they will promptly throw it out. So maybe serving the literate isn't
part of their business model. But with McDonald's serving good coffee,
they need to think of something.
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The Boston Globe and the Washington post have really negative revues
of the Samsong Instict. That is too bad as it is a CDMA phone and
therefor compatible with Telus and Bell.
I was hopping the phone might keep iPhone smoking Rogers honest.
Thank goodness for payphones.
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There are 3 iPhone carriers in Australia. The first to unveil full
pricing details has silmilar pricing to Rogers. Keep in mind that in
Australia, incoming calls are paid by the person making the call.
So much for the miracle of competition. Wouldn't it be funny if China
had the best price plans?
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When I watched the new, verry dry, iPhone 3g vidéo on the Apple site
(also available on Youtube), I had the sudden desire to learn Japanese
in order to take advantage of the Asian handwritten script software
included with the iPhone 2.0 software (available soon).
I guess Japan took notice too. 57% of the iPod crazy nation's 127
million residents are interested in one!
With oil costs thru the roof, maybe Apple should forget about the US,
save a fortune on shipping and sell China made iPhones to the 70
million Japaneese interested in the iPhone before it is even available
and before a single iPhone commercial has aired!
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