
Adolescents nus au Vermont


Adolescents nus au Vermont.

Saviez-vous qu'on pouvait se promener tout nu n'importe où au Vermont?

Ce n'est certainement pas le cas au Canada! Ici, nous avons une loi assez vague . En fait, elle interdit à quiconque d'être "vêtu de façon à offenser la décence ou l'ordre public." (Article 174 (2), Code Criminel du Canada, Partie V, Infractions d'ordre sexuel, actes contraires aux bonnes moeurs, inconduite.)

Ce qui est "décent" est déterminé par un juge. Je vous suggère de ne pas mettre la loi à l'épreuve à moins de déjà avoir un dossier criminel et plusieurs dollars en réserves.

L'ironie c'est qu'une femme qui se promène les seins nus à la plage, au Québec par exemple, risque de se faire arrêter et obtenir un dossier criminel qui la bloquerait de voyager aux États-Unis, même au Vermont voisin où apparemment on peut se promener tout nu, n'importe où!

À ma connaissance, au Canada il n'y a qu'en Ontario où un juge a conclu qu'une femme aux seins nus, à conditions que se soit pour des raisons non-sexuelles et non-commerciales, est considéré comme "décente" dans sa province. En Saskatchewan, un juge a imposé la condition supplémentaire que les enfants ne doivent pas être présent!

Mais dans les 8 autres provinces, en public, c'est interdit et vous risquez un dossier criminel, des amendes et même la prison! C'est un juge qui décidera de la pénalité. On peut deviner que montré son pénis en public sera pénaliser d'avantage que des seins, mais c'est à la discrétion du juge. La seule exception officielle est l'allaitement, qui peut se faire en public, les seins découverts. La jurisprudence indique que sur les plages clairement affichés comme "nudistes", l'ordre public n'est pas déranger et donc se serait légal d'être sans vêtements.

Mais au Vermont, voisin du Québec, des adolescents se promènes nus au centre-ville de leur village! Je ne l'ai pas vu de mes propres yeux, c'est un article de Reuters qui le dit. Même si plusieurs journaux ont publié l'article, je ne pas vu l'article en français. Cliquez ici pour voir l'article original en anglais .



La Presse Candienne a publié un article en français. Dand l'Acadie-Nouvelle d'aujourd'hui, il y avait même une photo de 5 adolescents complètement nus. Tous masculin.

De Matinternet:

Le 4 septembre 2006 - 20:57 Des adolescents se dénudent en public à
Brattleboro, au VermontPresse

Bastion bohémien, la municipalité de Brattleboro, au Vermont, n'est pas
étrangère à la nudité publique, mais cette dernière s'affiche habituellement
dans des lieux plus discrets qu'une aire de stationnement en plein

Cet été, des adolescents se sont dénudés près des restaurants, des
librairies et des nombreuses galeries d'art de la ville, provoquant un débat
quant à la possibilité pour les autorités locales d'interdire cette pratique
tolérée de longue date.

"Brattleboro tend à être une ville décontractée et à accepter l'inhabituel,
mais cela dépasse vraiment les limites, a affirmé le chef de la police locale,
John Martin. Cela vise de toute évidence à choquer les gens, par esprit de

" Il semble que la situation ait commencé à dégénérer au début de l'été,
lorsqu'une jeune femme a pris place, nue, sur un banc public dans un parc, a
indiqué M. Martin. Une autre femme a ensuite retiré son chemisier, également
dans le centre-ville.

Un festival musical faisant la promotion de la nudité et de la rébellion
organisé dans un parking du centre-ville, en mai, a attiré pas mal de danseurs

Le mois dernier, une demi-douzaine de jeunes gens se sont déshabillés dans
un parking entouré de librairies, de cafés et de restaurants.

"Ce n'est qu'un geste de liberté, a expliqué Adhi Palar, 19 ans. Nous
faisons cela uniquement parce que nous le pouvons."

Le Vermont ne compte aucune loi d'Etat interdisant la nudité publique. Les
municipalités peuvent cependant interdire cette pratique si elles le souhaitent.


Index 2006-08-27

I updated the Index .

J'ai mis à jour l' Index .


Naked teens in Vermont

Did you know you can go naked in public in Vermont?

In Canada, there is a vague federal law that says you can be as naked as "public decency" allows. This will be determined by a judge. I'd recommend already having a criminal record and some spare cash if you want to test the law in your Canadian community by walking around without "enough" cloths on.

The irony is women who go topless at the beach in, say, Quebec, if convicted, would be banned for life from entering the USA, even into neighboring Vermont where, apparently, you can be as naked as you want EVERYWHERE !

As far as I know, only Ontario has had a court case where a judge has decided that, in his province, women going topless in a non-sexual, non-commercial way, is within "public decency". A Saskatchewan judge said it was OK as long as, among other things, no children were present.

In all other provinces you risk a criminal record for violating "public decency" for showing your boobies in public (official exception is breast feeding). Oh, and in Canada, forget about showing your penis in public unless you are at a clearly designated nude beach.

I found this article because I subscribe to "Odd News" in Yahoo. I wasn't Googling naked teens, honest!

The article on this site/blog is better as it has pictures (of adults).

Nude teens raise eyebrows

By Scott Christianson Fri Aug 25, 10:10 AM ET

BRATTLEBORO, Vermont (Reuters) - Some have appeared naked in a downtown parking lot. Others rode their bicycles or simply strolled the streets in the nude.

Teenagers in the quaint Vermont town of Brattleboro are raising eyebrows this summer with brazen displays of nudity.

So far they haven't been arrested or ticketed: public nudity isn't illegal in the town of 13,000 people, unless it's done to arouse sexual gratification.

Vermont has a live-and-let-live tradition, allowing skinny-dipping and nude sunbathing. Brattleboro, the first permanent English settlement in the state in 1724, is home to a community of writers, artists and musicians as well as transplanted entrepreneurs from Boston and New York.

When the weather grew hot this year, a couple of dozen teens took to holding hula hoop contests, riding bikes and parading past the shops wearing only their birthday suits.

Nobody, including the police, seemed to take offense until one local, Theresa Toney, went before the town government in August to complain about a group of youngsters naked in a parking lot.

"The parking lot is not a strip club," she said. "What about children seeing this?"

Town officials asked their attorney to draft an ordinance to ban such displays for the Select Board to vote on in September. When the teens heard about it, some staged a nude sit-in.

"I don't see why it's such a big deal," said Alec McPherson, a recent high school graduate as he sat at a coffee shop table, browsing a thick volume of artwork from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Everyone's naked in this book."

His companion, Jeremiah Compton, a high school junior who plays in a local metal-and-punk band, agreed. "It's just that we're bored and expressing our right," he said.

"We have a nuclear power plant a few miles away and a ridiculous war in the Middle East, countries getting bombed," said Ian Bigelow, a 23-year-old who had gathered with some of his friends outside a bookstore. "So why's it such a big problem if we chose to get nude?"


Lazy bums

If any of you think that people would choose to be on welfare instead of working, than you are nuts. Welfare in New Brunswick, for example, can be as low as $270 a month for people without health issues!

Welfare is the most efficient social assistance system. Job creation programs and subsidised housing are simply more expensive. Let adults (i.e. market forces) make reasonable decisions. Many people on welfare today could be the taxpayers of tomorrow.

Let welfare recipient buy food at the grocery store, show up for job interviews relatively well dressed and, most importantly, allow them to relocate by removing the shackles of subsidised housing. A universal drug plan would also be a good idea. And needless to say, raising the minimum wage would be quite useful (it is $6.70 an hour in New Brunswick!) and affordable day care is essential.

If someone can survive on welfare without using charities or begging, than they are freaking geniuses!

"Have both governments and the Canadian public turned their backs on the poorest of the poor?"


Tip: Get credit cards with plenty of credit. Some day you may need them! And be sure to have good disability insurance!

From the Toronto Star:
In rich Canada, welfare worsens
Recipients get less than 20 years ago
Public is turning a blind eye to issue

By Thomas Walkom

Here in Canada, in one of the richest countries of the world, the very poorest are getting poorer. This is not the result of some external or unforeseen crisis. It is happening in the midst of a long-running economic boom and reflects the deliberate decisions of elected governments - presumably supported by the Canadian public at large - to purge the roughly 1.7 million people consigned to welfare from our collective consciousness.

It is shameful. It is pretty much criminal. And, as the National Council on Welfare, an advisory body to the federal government, warned in a report released yesterday, it is remarkably short-sighted. In particular, it is short-sighted for those of us in the broader middle classes who assume - wrongly - that we could never end up on the dole.

It's a cruel world out there now. Successive governments have gutted or eliminated much of Canada's vaunted social safety net. For most workers, employment insurance doesn't exist. Increasingly, employers prefer part-time or contract workers who can be fired at will and who are owed neither benefits nor pensions.

If the economy falters and unemployment spikes - as it is almost sure to do again - there is not much between a comfortable middle-class life and welfare.

So just hope it doesn't happen to you. As the council points out, for the vast majority of those on welfare, things are bad and getting worse.

The figures are depressing and distressing. In Ontario, for example, the incomes of most welfare recipients, after adjustment for inflation, are lower now than they were 20 years ago.

And that's not just because of Mike Harris. True, the former Conservative premier gleefully slashed welfare rates. But his successor, Liberal Dalton McGuinty, has been equally, if more quietly, stingy.

In 1997, well after Harris made his cuts, a single mother with one child in Ontario received $16,205. Last year, a single mother's benefit, after adjustment for inflation, was just $14,451 - or about 11 per cent less.

It's probably worth noting that Newfoundland has a more generous welfare system than Ontario. A single mother with one child in that province gets $16,181.

But Ontario is not the only piker. In Conservative Alberta, rates for a single person on welfare have dropped by $4,800 - or roughly 50 per cent in inflation-adjusted terms - over the past 20 years. In British Columbia, now run by a nominally Liberal government, welfare recipients with disabilities get less in real terms than they did in 1989.

Even Saskatchewan's New Democrats have been cheese parers when it comes to welfare. In that province, the inflation-adjusted welfare income for a couple with two kids is $4,125 less than it was in 1986.

On top of this, the federal government's much-heralded child benefit supplement, introduced by Jean Chretien's Liberals in 1998, has done almost zilch for people on welfare.

That's partly because five provinces, including Ontario, claw all or part of the benefit back from families receiving social assistance.

And it's partly because the country's complicated welfare system is almost impossible to figure out for would-be beneficiaries - or anyone else. It has become, as the council says flatly, "incomprehensible to most people."

As for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives, the council says their reforms don't help the poor much at all.

No surprise here. Still it's worth noting, as the council does, that Harper's income-tax cuts benefit high-income earners most. His GST cut doesn't help the poor, who already had a sales-tax break. His new $100 a month child-care benefit, the council says, may help more well-to-do parents who already have access to daycare but does little for people on welfare who can neither find nor afford care.

The net result is bleak: In spite of the myriad of government programs, the income of welfare recipients remains far below Statistics Canada's so-called low-income cutoff, a measure usually referred to as the poverty line.

In Ontario, a disabled person on welfare gets $12,057 - or about 58 per cent of what StatsCan figures the average single person needs to live. Other kinds of welfare recipients get even less.

It is a grim business.

Still, it's not fair to blame just elected leaders like Harper, Harris or McGuinty. True, politicians didn't keep their bold promises to eliminate child poverty.

True too, many politicians either ignore welfare recipients or subtly (not so subtly in the case of Harris) demonize them as undeserving.

But in the end, politicians can't help but respond to the issues voters care about. And that stark political fact says something very unpleasant about us.

"Most Canadians would find it impossible to cope with the substantial income losses that welfare households have experienced," the council writes. "Coping is even harder for those who are already at the bottom of the income scale, given their already meagre incomes. Yet there appears to be little concern ...

"Have both governments and the Canadian public turned their backs on the poorest of the poor?"


Jeff Fillion aime Barbara Kay

Jeff Fillion aime Barbara Kay.

Jeff Fillion a fait une entrevue radiophonique avec Barbara Kay.
C'est un peu pénible. Mais si les ongles sur le tableau ne vous dérangent pas, allez-y, écoutez.

Merci à Sicweb pour le lien.

J'ai déjà écris que Barbara est menteuse. Elle a affirmé que tous les Juifs étaient fédéralistes. Par la suite, elle a affirmé que Pierre Falardeau portait le drapeau de Hezbollah d'une main et drapeau du Québec de l'autre. C'est faux. Tous les Juifs ne sont pas fédéralistes et Falardeau n'a jamais touché au drapeau d'Hezbollah.

Dans l'entrevue, Fillion présente Kay comme une victime et Kay joue le rôle. Mais elle a attaquer un peuple, ou plutôt la couche intellectuel d'un peuple, avec en appuie des mensonges.

Malgré que son expertise est la littérature, Mme Kay aurait pu écrire un chronique critiquant de façon cohérente les Québécois qui appuie l'Hezbollah. Elle a plutôt choisi d'écrire une oeuvre de fiction et le National Post l'a passé comme réalitée.



New Brunswick Election

Reasons not to vote for the New Brunswick Conservatives on September 18th, 2006.

1-New-Brunswick has the lowest minimum wage in the country ($6.70 and hour).

2-No special over time pay unless you earn less than $10 an hour (minimum wage times 1.5). Most provinces require time and a half after 40 or 44 hours per week.

3-Conservatives introduced Remembrance day as a Statutory holiday. Do we need a day off in the middle of a work week in November?

4-Government brags about lax environmental regulations on it's web site in order to attract business!

5-Conservatives made severe cuts to the ministry of the Environment, to the planning commissions and to local governments.

6-No regional land-use planning even though it is a legislated power and responsibility.

7-Raised gas tax by 3.8 cents a liter in order not to introduce tolls on the Trans-Canada.

8-Did not address the route causes of high car insurance rates in NB: higher risks do to poor driving and poorly maintained roads. More money should have been spent on enforcement and road maintenance. Driving should be a subject in school or private courses should be mandatory. The 110 km/hr speed limit should be reduced!

9-Beer companies received subsidies.

10-The drinking container program is inefficient and car oriented.

11-Income taxes are often lower than in Ontario, which has Ontarians screaming bloody murder (since NB receives large Federal transfer payments).

12-Gave long term maintenance of the trans-Canada to private firm. Will be more expensive in the long run and contract will be expensive/difficult to enforce. Maintenance on the T-C in Edmundston this winter was abysmal (first winter of contract).

13-Government regulated fuel prices.

14-Tuition is over $5000 a year at college and university.

15-Government paid for Moosehead commercials featuring New-Brunswick attractions, but Mooshead only played them in NB!

16-Conservatives refuse to consider allowing beer and wine to be sold at convenience and grocery stores despite both Maine and Quebec allowing it.

17-Government program gives money to poor people so they can buy _new_ houses! _Family_ income must be under $30,000 to qualify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-Provincial property tax reimbursed to resident home owners only. If you rent, you are out of luck. So at equal income, renters will pay more provincial tax than home owners!

19-Heating oil tax rebate (efficient furnaces and insulation fully taxed). Landlords/apartment dwellers don't get a cent!

20-Government paid abortions only available in Fredericton! Even people against abortions must realise this is inherently unfair.

Of course, ALL these issues would be fixed simply by moving to Quebec.


Barbara Kay: made up facts

In a sense, I admire Barbara Kay. She subscribes to the thinking, "When in doubt, make it up". I use this with family and friends in the heat of an argument. Bill O'Reiley does it on his show, improvising facts as he goes along.

But Barbara Kay has plenty of time to research her National Post columns. And there are plenty of facts out there to be used, distorted and repackaged to make a point. But Kay simply makes stuff up.

On August 9th she wrote "all Jews are federalists", on August 17th: "Gleeful separatist cineaste Pierre Falardeau was photographed brandishing a fleur-de-lys in one hand, a Hezbollah flag in the other."

No, that would be Julien Poulin, an actor. Falardeau wasn't holding any flags.

This is what Victor Goldblume, President of the Executive Committee, Canadian Jewish Congress, had to say about Kay's columns on SRC's August 17 Téléjournal.

"Ses propos me désole, il m'est difficile de comprendre sur quoi une personne peut se baser pour faire de telles affirmations".

'Her comments are disturbing, it's difficult for me to understand on what a person can base those statements." (translation by me).

Made up facts is the answer.

Just think of the National Post as a print version of Fox News or the Colbert Report.

INDEX of my site.

Here is Barbara Kay's column that appeared in the National Post, André Pratte's response, and Kay's reaction to the response.

Kay's column were taken from proudtobecanadian.ca as allowed under the fair dealing exception to the Copyright Act.

Written by Barbara KayBio Barbara
Kay Archives
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

EDITOR?S NOTE: Barbara Kay
has also written a followup
to this editorial
MONTREAL - In his Montreal Gazette column yesterday,
Don MacPherson projected a worrying Quebec trend with startling candour: ?It?s
finally becoming respectable again to express support for terrorists.?

So it has. On Sunday, 15,000 Quebecers, mostly
Lebanese-Canadians, marched for ?justice and peace? in Lebanon. That sounds
benign, but in fact the march was a virulently anti-Israel rally, and scattered
amongst the crowd were a number of Hezbollah flags and placards. Leading the
parade were Bloc Quebecois chief Gilles Duceppe, Liberal MP Denis Coderre, PQ
chief Andre Boisclair, and Amir Khadir, spokesman for the new far-left
provincial party, Solidarite Quebec.
All four politicians had signed a
statement by the organizers the day before the march, in which Israel is
lambasted for its depredations in Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank?but the word
?terrorism? is never mentioned, nor Hezbollah assigned any blame for the war.

In their speeches at the conclusion of the march, Messrs. Coderre and
Duceppe did not condemn terrorism, did not mention Israel?s right to defend
itself, and spoke only of Lebanese civilian suffering. As a sop to the
Quebec-Israel Committee, which had taken out full-page ads calling on the
march?s leaders to condemn terrorism, however, they called for the disarming of
Hezbollah as part of a negotiated ceasefire.

For this, they were roundly booed by the crowd.

These politicians are playing a dangerous game. They have no political
support from Jews (who are all federalists), so have nothing to lose in courting
anti-Israel Arab groups. There are at least 50,000 Lebanese-Canadians in the
Montreal area. We can expect those numbers to swell as Hezbollah-supporting
residents of southern Lebanon cash in on their Canadian citizenship and flee to
the safety of Quebec. Under the circumstances, it may be politically convenient
for some left-wing Quebec politicians to stoke fires of enthusiasm for
Hezbollah?an organization officially classified as a terrorist group by the
Canadian government. Yet it would be disastrous for the future of the province.

But after the thumping they took from the Conservatives in the last
federal election, Quebec separatists are desperate for votes, and apparently not
too morally fussy about how they get them. Their official endorsement of last
week?s one-sided document and their prominent presence at the march was a
calculated appeal to dangerous elements in Quebec society. As MacPherson also
pointed out in his column, ?if [their support for the statement and the march]
did not invite Hezbollah sympathizers to participate, it also contained nothing
to discourage them from doing so.?

Left-wing Quebec intellectuals and politicians (Pierre Trudeau being an
obvious example) have always enjoyed flirtations with causes that wrap
themselves in the mantle of ?liberation? from colonialist oppressors?including
their very own home-grown Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ), which gave them a
frisson of pleasure as it sowed terror throughout Canada in the late ?60s with
mailbox bombs, kidnappings and a murder. Their cultural and historical sympathy
for Arab countries from the francophonie?Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon?joined with
reflexive anti-Americanism and a fat streak of anti-Semitism that has marbled
the intellectual discourse of Quebec throughout its history, has made Quebec the
most anti-Israel of the provinces, and therefore the most vulnerable to
tolerance for Islamist terrorist sympathizers.

Think about what this would mean if Quebec ever were to become
independent, and detached from the leadership of politicians who know the
difference between a democracy and a gang of fanatical exterminationists. You
can bet that Hezbollah would be off the official terrorism list by Day two of
the Republic of Quebec?s existence. By Day three, word would go out to the
Islamosphere that Quebec was the new ?Londonistan,? to cite the title of a
riveting new book by British journalist Melanie Phillips, chronicling the rise
of militant Islam in her country.

Complacent Canadians think it can?t happen here. It won?t if our
political class takes its cue from the principled Stephen Harper rather than the
shameless Quebec politicians who led that pro-terrorist rally. Harper needs
Quebec votes every bit as much as Messrs. Duceppe and Boisclair if he expects to
achieve a majority government in the next federal election, but unlike them, he
isn?t willing to sell his soul.

The devil is always on the lookout for the moral relativism that
signals a latter-day Faust, and it seems he has found some eager recruits
amongst Quebec?s most prominent spokespeople.
EDITOR?S NOTE: Barbara Kay has
also written a followup
to this editorial
©2005-06 - Barbara Kay is a columnist at Canada?s
National Post newspaper. Her column appears here at ProudToBeCanadian.ca
weekly, with Barbara Kay?s express permission.

Andé Pratte's response, as published in the National Post. Pratte is the Editorialist of La Presse, Montreal's French language federalist newspaper. Posted here as allowed under the fair dealing exception to the Copyright Act.

The myth of 'Quebecistan'
Andre Pratte, National Post
Published: Wednesday, August 16, 2006
According to Barbara Kay's Aug. 9 article, "The Rise of Quebecistan," Quebec is a haven for Hezbollah supporters and for anti-Semitic and anti-American ideologues. An independent Quebec, she predicts, would rapidly become a new "Londonistan."
As a Quebec federalist -- and a journalist who has repeatedly supported Israel's right to defend itself, and denounced Quebec politicians' criticism of Stephen Harper's handling of the Lebanese crisis -- I was dumbfounded by Ms. Kay's prejudice.
Were Gilles Duceppe, Andre Boisclair and others ill-advised to sign a manifesto that did not condemn the Hezbollah raids against Israel? Yes, undeniably. Does that make them supporters of terrorism? No: Their statements and deeds, including the comments they made during the Montreal demonstration Ms. Kay describes, make it clear that they do not endorse terrorism in any form. Their position in favour of an "immediate ceasefire" was perfectly respectable. It closely resembled the point of view defended by many federal Liberals, and promoted by a large number of countries, including the European Union, which all suggested that Israel's response to the kidnapping of two of its soldiers was disproportionate.
Ms. Kay strongly disagrees with the focus of the demonstration on Israel's supposed wrongs; so do I. But from that well-founded criticism, she goes on to portray Quebec society, particularly its intellectual and political leadership, as sympathetic to Islamist terrorists in general. She also denounces Quebecers' "reflexive anti-Americanism" and their "fat streak of anti-Semitism." That Quebec, the "Quebecistan" of her thesis, simply does not exist.
A huge majority of Quebecers are strongly against George W. Bush's policies, that's for sure. Does that make them "anti-American"? If they are, why has Quebec been more supportive of free trade than Ontario? How can one explain the very close relationships Quebec maintains with the north-eastern states and the fact that Quebecers travel in huge numbers to the United States? How about the popularity of American music and movies in Quebec?
Besides, is there no anti-Americanism in the rest of Canada? Has Ms. Kay listened to the speeches of some Liberal and NDP politicians? As far as I recall, it was not a Quebec MP who famously called Americans "bastards."
Was anti-Semitism rampant in Quebec intellectual circles in the 1930s and 1940s? Yes. Are there still remnants of that disgusting sentiment today? Yes. But is this history of anti-Semitism unique to Quebec? Obviously not.
In the English Canada of the 1940s, recalled historian Irving Abella, "banks, insurance companies, industrial and commercial interests of importance did not hire Jews. Stores did not want Jews as salespersons. Hospitals did not admit Jewish doctors. There were no Jewish judges and Jewish lawyers were barred from most firms."
Moreover, if Quebec is a nest of anti-Semitism, why do more than a third of Canadian Jews still live and prosper here?
According to the Post columnist, if Quebec ever becomes a sovereign state, it will immediately fall under the control of terrorist-supporting leaders and transform itself into a sort of Afghanistan of the North. The only thing that prevents this from happening today, she believes, is the benevolent governance of "politicians who know the difference between democracy and a gang of fanatical exterminationists."
What politicians is she talking about? Are English Canadian politicians the only democrats? How about LaFontaine, Laurier, Saint-Laurent, Trudeau? At the provincial level think of Lesage, Levesque, Bourassa, all strong believers in the virtues of democracy. Can Ms. Kay name a place in the world where two referendums were held on the issue of independence, including one where the result was extremely close, and where the separatist side accepted defeat without taking to the streets? And those are the cryptoterrorists she is alluding to?
While pretending to fight intolerance, those who paint a prejudiced view of Quebec are in fact fanning its flames. They try to hurt separatism by associating it with the devil; in reality, they are buttressing the sovereignists' case against Canada.
Today's Quebec is a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and deeply democratic society. On the Lebanese issue, as on many others, there a difference of opinion between Quebec and other regions of the country. Being partners in the great Canadian experience, we should not caricature or squash those differences, but try to understand and build from them.
- Andre Pratte is Editorial Pages Editor at La Presse. His latest book, Aux Pays des Merveilles (VLB editeur, 2006), is an essay on Quebec political myths.


From proudtobecanadian.ca (oringinally in National Post), posted here under the fair dealing exception to the Copyright Act:

Written by Barbara KayBio Barbara
Kay Archives
Thursday, August 17, 2006

My National Post Aug. 9 column [August 16
here at PTBC due to holidays], ?The
Rise of Quebecistan
,? has become a focus for great controversy in Quebec. In
the past week, I have been interviewed by numerous radio stations, both French
and English, and declared an enemy of the people, in so many words, in no less
than three newspapers, including in a Post column yesterday by Andre Pratte, a
federalist Quebecois journalist I respect and admire.
Pratte?s column
misrepresented me in certain respects, and I felt I had to respond. Pratte said
that I had expressed the fear that if Quebec became a sovereign state, it would
?immediately fall under the control of terrorist-supporting leaders.? What I
actually predicted was that in an independent Quebec, under pressure from its
Shiite Lebanese immigrant population, Hezbollah would be removed from the
official terrorist list, and that supporters of terrorism would find Quebec a
place offering little resistance to burgeoning Islamism amongst its Muslim
The reason I believe this is because of the behaviour exhibited
before and during an anti-Israel rally two weeks ago in Montreal by the four
politicians I reproached in my column: Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe,
Parti Quebecois leader Andre Boisclair, Liberal MP Denis Coderre, and Quebec
Solidaire leader Amir Khadir. The organizing committee for the ?peace? rally
deliberately excluded a Jewish presence. That was in itself an anti-Semitic act
and a warning to any politician, whose business it is to remain neutral in
affairs of this kind, to stay away.
All four, along with prominent Quebec
union leaders, signed a manifesto that did not condemn Hezbollah?s aggression,
then endorsed and willingly undertook a dominant role in a march at which
Hezbollah flags were in evidence, along with placards, reading ?Juifs assassins?
(not ?Israelis??Jews), ?Nous sommes tous Hezbollah,? ?Longue vie a Nasrallah,?
?Vive le Hezbollah.?
Gleeful separatist cineaste Pierre Falardeau was
photographed brandishing a fleur-de-lys in one hand, a Hezbollah flag in the
other. Graffiti on a building read: ?God f--- the Jews.? A Jewish prayer shawl
was torn to pieces.
Recall that Hezbollah is officially classified as a
terrorist organization by this country?s government. If these signs had read:
?We are all KKK,? ?Long life to Osama Bin Laden,? ?We are all Nazis,? ?Women are
pigs,? would these same leaders have turned the blind eye they did at the time?
Hezbollah?s mission is to eradicate Jews?not just Israelis?from the earth.
It is true that similar marches have taken place in other cities. The
difference is that politicians in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada do not march
at the head of these hatefests.
The complicity of politicians, not with
terrorism itself, but with those who support terrorism, indicates a penchant for
appeasement of hateful attitudes. When hatemongers see non-judgmentalism in the
governing elites, they batten on it. That is what happened in England and Europe
and what could happen here if we are not vigilant. Pratte and other commentators
have agreed that the politicians should not have attended the rally, but
shrugged it off as a misdemeanour. I call it egregious misconduct that should
result in official apologies to all right-thinking Quebecers and some deep
soul-searching about their professional credibility.
Diplomats are usually
chary about official interventions, but the Israeli ambassador considers the
matter serious enough to have written a strong formal letter of concern to
Gilles Duceppe. The Jewish community in Montreal is devastated by these
politicians? spectacular lack of judgment and sensitivity.
So I say to the
French media: This story is not about me. The West is in a war against global
Islamofacism. It already has made its nest in our cities. We must combat the
hatred that nourishes it in every way possible. Quebec politicians and union
leaders have, by their silence and weakness and acts of overt complicity,
legitimated rather than defused anti-Jewish sentiment in Quebec. For this
reason, I stand behind my previous statement that Quebec in the hands of these
people might very well become a Quebecistan.
©2005-06 - Barbara Kay is a
columnist at Canada?s National Post newspaper. Her column appears here at
ProudToBeCanadian.ca weekly, with Barbara Kay?s express permission.


Here are some of the English language blogs posting about Babara Kay's columns. The French language reaction (see below) is much more negative. French reaction included front page articles in major newspapers and items in the first few minutes of Radio-Canada's Téléjournal.

Presently an unfinished work... Barbara Kay, National Post ...17 Aug 2006 by Quebecistan
Barbara Kay, National Post Published: Wednesday, August 09, 2006. MONTREAL - In his Montreal Gazette column yesterday, Don MacPherson projected a worrying Quebec trend with startling candour: "It's finally becoming respectable again to ...

Quebecistan? by Adam Daifallah
Barbara Kay's controversial National Post op-ed of last week about Quebec and support for ... But anti-semitism has historically been a serious problem in francophone society, and Barbara Kay has touched a nerve by raising this topic. ...

Quebecistan? I wish... by kersplebedeb
Last week?s article by Barbara Kay in the right-wing National Post should be clipped and put aside (or saved to hard drive) as a reference for future discussions about Quebec nationhood, racism and the province plays in the English ...

Societé Saint-Jean-Baptiste Right for Once14 Aug 2006 by Sinestra
There are fanatics on all sides, yet Kay lets the fanatics steal the message of the march. And there's a sick undercurrent that all Muslims support terrorists. Even for the National Rag, this is beyond the pale. Barbara Kay insulted all ...

The National Post: Greasing racism's wheels12 Aug 2006 by DJN
On page A14 I read what is the most shocking article I've ever seen in the National Post, which, of course, is saying something. The article in question, by Barbara Kay, bears the title The Rise of Quebecistan. ...

The rise of Quebecistan by EdS
Barbara Kay, who writes opinion articles for the National Post is as gifted in ... This week, Barbara Kay wrote a piece and a response on Quebec's penchant for ... Barbara Kay is really smart and more than capable of defending herself. ...

Harper's support for neo-conservatism17 Aug 2006 by Anh Khoi Do
Finally, in her column?s conclusion, Barbara Kay audaciously states that ... Barbara Kay doesn't seem to see that the Israeli and American governments are advocating political stances that don't bring peace at all in the Middle East. ...

Protestors burn flags in Toronto - The rise of Ontarikistan13 Aug 2006 by Marco
At least in Quebec, we had the decency not to burn flags while marching for peace, n'est-ce pas Barbara Kay ? This is a very regrettable incident, not only for our fellow Jews, but for all Canadians. We march for peace and even if we do ...

Of press liberty / De la liberté de presse12 Aug 2006 by Daniel Dufort
The fact that this opinion piece by Barbara Kay caused such a strong reaction goes a long way into proving that some Québécois are unable of true self-analyzation. In order to avoid this kind of hard, often excruciating reflection, ...

Complaint filed against National Post11 Aug 2006 by Radical Centrist
Gilles Rhéaume, a member of the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste?s executive committee has filed a complaint with the Conseil de presse du Québec against the National Post over an article by Barbara Kay entitled The Rise of Quebecistan ...

Quebecistan10 Aug 2006 by Pieface
National Post columnist Barbara Kay reported:. "In their speeches at the conclusion of the march, Messrs. Coderre and Duceppe did not condemn terrorism, did not mention Israel's right to defend itself, and spoke only of Lebanese ...

Hezbollah propaganda theatrics unmasked but ongoing.9 Aug 2006 by D.C. - References
Barbara Kay, National Post August 09, 2006 Report on Global Anti-Semitism Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, USA January 5, 2005 AntiSemitism, a Continuing Threat A DANGEROUS LIE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ...

The Rise of Quebecistan9 Aug 2006 by EclectEcon - References
From Barbara Kay in the National Post: In his Montreal Gazette column yesterday, Don MacPherson projected a worrying Quebec trend with startling candour: It's finally becoming respectable again to express support for terrorists. ...

La chroniqueuse Barbara Kay répète ses allusions au QuebecistanCyberpresse - 17 août 2006... chroniqueurs québécois et de celle du premier ministre Jean Charest qui a qualifié son propos de grossièreté, la commentatrice Barbara Kay répète, ce ...

Gilles Rhéaume portera plainte contre la chroniqueuse du National ...Cyberpresse - Il y a 19 heures... dans ses récents articles, Gilles Rhéaume, militant indépendantiste bien connu, a décidé de porter plainte auprès de la police contre Barbara Kay et le ...

Propos sous influenceLe Devoir (Abonnement) - 17 août 2006Depuis une semaine, une chronique de Barbara Kay publiée dans le National Post fait couler beaucoup d'encre au Québec. Intitulé ...

La chroniqueuse Barbara Kay répète ses allusions au QuebecistanMatinternet - 17 août 2006... chroniqueurs québécois et de celle du premier ministre Jean Charest qui a qualifié son propos de grossièreté, la commentatrice Barbara Kay répète, ce ...

Manifestation pour la paix au Liban - Charest refuse de blâmer ...Le Devoir (Abonnement) - 17 août 2006... Le lendemain, le National Post publiait un texte polémique de la chroniqueuse montréalaise Barbara Kay intitulé «The rise of Quebecistan» dans lequel elle ...

Gilles Réhaume dépose une plainte criminelleInfo 690 - 17 août 2006... Le militant indépendantiste bien connu Gilles Rhéaume a décidé de déposer une plainte criminelle contre le National Post et sa journaliste Barbara Kay. ...

Plainte contre le National PostRadio-Canada - 11 août 2006Une chronique récente de Barbara Kay à propos d'une manifestation québécoise contre la guerre au Liban continue de soulever l'ire de bien des Québécois ...

Le National Post fait l'objet d'une plainte déposée au Conseil ...Matinternet - 11 août 2006... Dans son texte The Rise of Quebecistan, Barbara Kay affirme qu'André Boisclair et Gilles Duceppe sont des politiciens sans foi ni loi qui ont dirigé une ...

Manifestation HezbollahCanoë - 17 août 2006... Barbara Kay a décrié le «Québecistan». «C'est une grossièreté que de dire une chose comme celle-là», a répliqué le premier ministre Charest, hier. ...

Du délireCyberpresse - 15 août 2006Cet écart de perception a fourni à la journaliste du National Post Barbara Kay, l'occasion de tartiner son fiel sur le dos des Québécois. ...

Le dernier-né des délires de la droite canadienneLe Devoir (Abonnement) - 15 août 2006... Cet écart de perception a fourni à la journaliste du National Post Barbara Kay l'occasion de tartiner son fiel sur le dos des Québécois. ...

La journaliste du National Post a accusé les souverainistes de ...Canoë - 16 août 2006Une chronique signée Barbara Kay dans le National Post du 9 août a littéralement fait sortir le rappeur Biz de ses gonds. La ...

La SSJB porte plainte au Conseil de presse contre un article du ...Matinternet - 11 août 2006... plainte vendredi auprès du Conseil de presse du Québec contre un article paru mercredi dans le National Post sous la signature de la journaliste Barbara Kay. ...

Drapeau du Hezbollah: Falardeau s'expliqueCyberpresse - 13 août 2006... Interrogé sur la chronique publiée par le National Post la semaine dernière, dans laquelle la journaliste Barbara Kay affirme que des leaders souverainistes ...

Le droit de dire NonMessager Lachine/Dorval - 11 août 2006... Barbara Kay, du National Post, est allée beaucoup trop loin en affirmant que les deux leaders souverainistes sont des politiciens « sans foi ni loi qui ont ...

De www.vigile.net (je recommande l'original):

"Les guignols de l?unitarisme canadien"L'antiquébécisme ordinaire «L'idée de
base est de convaincre la minorité qu'elle est inapte à s'autogouverner. On
commence par insinuer qu'elle n'en a pas la compétence économique. Si cela ne
fonctionne pas, on l'accuse de quelque chose de beaucoup plus grave:
l'incompétence morale.» - Ray Conlogue

Quebecers in denial :
Barbara Kay - The National Post jeudi 17 août 2006 - So I say to
the French media: This story is not about me. The West is in a war against
global Islamofacism. It already has made its nest in our cities. We must combat
the hatred that nourishes it in every way possible. Quebec politicians and union
leaders have, by their silence and weakness and acts of overt complicity,
legitimated rather than defused anti-Jewish sentiment in Quebec. For this
reason, I stand behind my previous statement that Quebec in the hands of these
people might very well become a Quebecistan. (ns) The rise of
Barbara Kay - The National Post mercredi 9 août 2006 Quebecistan is no
Lettres - The National Post jeudi 17 août 2006 Le Québecistan vous
Yves Boisvert - La Presse mercredi 16 août 2006 De Barbara à
Michel Vastel - Blogue - revue L?Actualité mercredi 16 août 2006 Le dernier-né des délires de
la droite canadienne
Biz, du groupe Loco Locass - Le Devoir 15 août 2006 Du
Biz, La Presse mardi 15 août 2006 - même texte. Kaybecistan... - Le plaisir
d?inventer fait l?événement
André Savard 15 août 2006 - Barbara Kay dans le
National Post ou McPherson dans le journal The Gazette sont tout à fait d?accord
pour être les guignols de l?unitarisme canadien.
Not anti-Semitic /
Francophones unjustly labelled intolerant
Josée Legault - The Montreal
Gazette vendredi 18 août 2006 - Fallout continues over massive peace march -
What matters in Kay?s column is its content, the underlying vision it reflects
as well as where that vision comes from, ideologically and intellectually, or
what could have comforted a prejudice that was already there. Gilles Rhéaume portera
plainte contre la chroniqueuse du National Post
Christiane Desjardins - La
Presse vendredi 18 août 2006 L?incontinenceVincent
Marissal - La Presse vendredi 18 août 2006 - Les collègues réunis hier matin au
centre de la salle de rédaction secouaient la tête de dépit en lisant le
National Post. La bonne
François Deschamps - Tribune libre de Vigile 18 août 2006 - Il ne
convient pas d?accorder plus d?importance qu?il ne faut aux fantasmes
prospectifs de madame Kay. Chez nous, l?épouvantail à moineaux anti-québécois ne
fait plus peur à grand monde. Propos sous
Jean-Robert Sansfaçon - Le Devoir jeudi 17 août 2006 - Et ce n?est
pas en se défoulant sur cet autre nationalisme qu?est celui du Québec
francophone que nos concitoyens juifs anglophones, « qui sont tous fédéralistes
» (dixit Mme Kay), contribueront le mieux à l?harmonie des rapports
interculturels ici même au Québec. Le véritable héritage de
Trudeau ?
Mathieu Bélanger - Lettres au Devoir jeudi 17 août 2006 - Peut-être
est-il également temps que certains groupes fédéralistes fassent le ménage chez
eux afin de démettre des leaders qui propagent ? il faut dire les choses comme
elles sont ? la haine envers les souverainistes et donc, par extension, aux
Québécois ou à tout le moins à la moitié d?entre eux.
Pratte et le Quebecistan
Le désormais fameux
?Quebecistan? et notre cher ami Pratte
Sylvain Maréchal - Tribune libre de
Vigile vendredi 18 août 2006 - Tous, sur cette question (et sur bien d?autres),
font bien comprendre que la différence québécoise ne passe pas, qu?elle ne doit
pas passer. Car il ne s?agit pas ici de critiques ordinaires. Il serait absurde
de se prétendre à l?abri ou au-delà de toute critique. La critique fait ici
place au mépris et au refus. A l?idée d?un Québec antisémite, infantile,
inconscient, incapable, dangereux. Un Québec qu?on doit encadrer, surveiller.
The myth of
André Pratte - The National Post mercredi 16 août 2006 Kay contre BizAndré
Pratte - La Presse jeudi 17 août 2006 - La mésentente entre les peuples est
souvent fondée sur des préjugés. Ceux-ci naissent de l?ignorance et de
généralisations abusives, parfois de la mauvaise foi et de la démagogie. On voit
ces processus à l?oeuvre, ces jours-ci, dans la petite controverse suscitée par
un texte de la chroniqueure Barbara Kay, du National Post.

National Post: Les Souverainistes veulent qu'on s'excuse parce ... ... Jean Guernon Chronique controversée Plainte contre le National Post Une chroniquerécente de Barbara Kay à propos d'une manifestation québécoise contre la ... fr.soc.politique - 16 août 21:55 by Jean Guernon - 39 messages - 19 auteurs

Après Adolf Bouchard, Voici Oussama ben Boisclair:Le dernier-né ... http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/08/15/115877.html "....Cet écart de perception a fournià la journaliste du National Post Barbara Kay l'occasion de ... qc.politique - 15 août 15:26 by Gratien2239 - 16 messages - 9 auteurs

Barbara Kay, mariée en première noce avec israel alain verse a écrit : Ah ! Enfin. Voici la face de l'anti-québécoise qui parleau nom des anglais de ce pays de merde appelé Kénéda... ... qc.politique - 14 août 11:15 by alain verse - 16 messages - 9 auteurs

La joie des Québecois, La Day pis La Francis ! ... Gilmo: *Y'a keuk zannées j'avais adressé une p'tite lettre que j'avais envoyée àla Barbara-Kay-du-jour qu'était Diane Francis qui, à même son éditorial ... qc.politique - 13 août 07:19 by chval@lier - 9 messages - 5 auteurs

Palestine : *La StreetWalker est l'équivalent de Barbara Kay (deux de la même espèce!) * MaraJade Skywalker a écrit : De sa plus belle plume, Nikopol nous a écrit: 1 ... qc.politique - 12 août 16:53 by Gilmo - 83 messages - 20 auteurs

Le Québecistan.... ... Barbara Kay est vraiment mal renseignée pour écrire des choses commeçà...c'est pour çà qu'au Canada ont parle des deux solitudes... ... Francoseniors_amities - 12 août 14:26 by rackier - 15 messages - 7 auteurs

Fwd- re Language ... left only. -Len ===== In praise of unilingualism Barbara Kay May 4, 2005Is multilingualism always an unalloyed blessing? May not ... can.politics - 6 mai 2005 23:40 by Len McLaughlin - 4 messages - 3 auteurs

Le terroriste et le diable qui sommeil en vous11 hours ago by Éric Fortin
Dans un article intitulé "The rise of Quebecistan", Barbara Kay, éditorialiste du National Post, avance que les québécois de gauche (comme elle réside à Montréal et qu'elle inclue Trudeau, donc je crois qu'il faut lire tout les ...
Le blogue de Fortin - http://blogfortin.blogspot.com

La folle de Barbara Kay et les terroristes québécois !14 hours ago by Olivier
Je publie ici le texte de Barbara Kay publié dans le National Post et la réponse d'André Pratte à ce dernier. Les textes sont en anglais et malgré le fait que ... Barbara Kay, National Post. Published: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 ...
Le Blogue à Dickson - http://olidickson.blogspot.com

Attachez votre turban avec de la broche, après Adolf Bouchard ...14 hours ago by Hélie
Cet écart de perception a fourni à la journaliste du National Post Barbara Kay l'occasion de tartiner son fiel sur le dos des Québécois. Dans un article intitulé "The Rise of Quebecistan", elle reproche aux chefs souverainistes du Bloc ...
Imaginhélie... Ou les histoires... - http://helenamelanie.blogspot.com

Quebecistan15 hours ago by Rousse en délire
Avec un peu de retard, j'ai lu la chronique intitulée "The rise of Quebecistan" publié mercredi le 9 août dans le National Post par Barbara Kay: http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=10524e16-36f2-4975-910d-9407471f2261 ...
Les déboires d'une rousse... - http://roussedelirante.blogspot.com

J'ai envie de chialer16 hours ago by rainy_melancoly
'La chroniqueuse ( Barbara Kay) a soulevé l'ire de bien des gens au Québec dans une chronique parue de 9 aout dernier sous le titre The Rise of Quebecistan ( La montée du Québecistan). Elle y allait de propos très critiques à la suite ...
rainy_melancoly - http://rainy-melancoly.livejournal.com/

Quebecistan, vraiment?17 Aug 2006 by Vincent Robidas
Barbara Kay, illustre inconnue au Québec avant la publication de sa chronique The Rise of Quebecistan, le 9août dernier, persiste et signe, aujourd'hui dans les pages du quotidien ontarien. Dans sa chronique du 9 août, elle tentait de ...
In medio stat virtus (Carnet... - http://lebloguedevincent.blogspot.com

Infect14 Aug 2006 by Genevieve
Barbara Kay. Disponible en ligne. MONTREAL - In his Montreal Gazette column yesterday, Don MacPherson projected a worrying Quebec trend with startling candour: ?It?s finally becoming respectable again to express support for terrorists. ...
Je Me Moi - http://jememoi.monblog.ca

Lettre à Franco Nuovo10 Aug 2006 by Martin
Montréal accuse Québec et les régions, et encore trop d?intellectuels du Canada anglais, comme Barbara Kay du Post, accusent l?ensemble du Québec à la première occasion. Dès que la crise a de nouveau éclaté entre Israël et le Liban, ...
martinbeaudinlecours.com - http://martinbeaudinlecours.com

Bienvenue au Québecistan10 Aug 2006 by Thierry Bélanger Clermont - References
Barbara Kay a écrit un torchon dans l?édition d?hier du National Post. These politicians are playing a dangerous game. They have no political support from Jews (who are all federalists), so have nothing to lose in courting anti-Israel ...
Voilà tout! - http://clementinemedia.org/blog

Le Québec propice au terrorisme10 Aug 2006 by oniquet
Richard Martineau pointe vers cet incroyable éditorial de Barbara Kay du National Post, qui prétend que si le Québec se séparait du Canada, il deviendrait un lieu de prédilection pour les terroristes internationaux. ...
goudaille - http://www.goudaille.com

Bienvenue au « Québekistan »9 Aug 2006
... à une soi-disant manif contre la guerre où flotaient des drapeaux du Hezbollah, un groupe shiite radical du Liban. Le National Post parle du Quebecistan, mais la version avec un « k » : Québekistan. Lisez l'article de Barbara Kay.
(¯`*?._.? Mi espacio personal... - http://miespacioperso.spaces.live.com/



Aboriginals in Canada

Aboriginals in Canada.
Canadians governments should offer services in the main Aboriginal Languages and the country should consider making reservations bigger.

Preventable violence
As we look at violent conflicts in the Middle-East and Sri Lanka, we are reminded that Canada is not the only multilingual country with religious pluralism.

Pluralism is the norm
Most countries in the world have significant linguistic and religious minorities. Canada is not the exception, but rather the norm.

Canada as an example to the world
I think Canada should lead by example. The territory that is Canada has known significant violence based on language and religion. The deportation of up to 20,000 French speaking Catholic Acadians by the English speaking Protestant rulers is but one example.

Generous or pay the price
When it comes to minorities, being tolerant is not enough. We need to be generous. The way Canada has treated Aboriginal Canadians can not be qualified as generous.

Canada should, at the very least, offer government services in the languages of the main Aboriginal groups. In this age of telecommunication, it is easy and relatively cheap. For example, you could have a toll free number for instant translation.

Good communication
Translating can be incorporated into a good communication strategy. Having written by-laws at the municipal level, I can assure you that translating them (or having others translate them), makes you think twice about just how clear they are. I have made many corrections because of translations. Without these corrections, my work would have been more likely to end up in court. I am convinced that Canadian forms are simpler and easier to read than American forms. You don't have to translate to be an effective communicator, but it can help, greatly offsetting the cost of translating.

Too small even for caribou
Most Aboriginal reservations are simply to small to be financially viable. Even with the life style of their ancestors, food to mouth and dead by 40, the territory required was much larger. How can we expect today's aboriginals to have anything close to the Canadian average standard of living with the minuscule reservations we have given them?

Promote and celebrate
We should also promote aboriginal culture and languages. Aboriginals are part of Canada and enrich it's culture and society. We can't realistically expect English of French Canadians to be the guardians of Aboriginal language and culture, but they shouldn't be the reason for the demise of thousand year old cultures.




Goggles Flight Sim

English Follows

Goggles Flight Sim vous permet, grâce à Google Maps, de survoler votre ville favorite en avion acrobate. Le départ que je vous propose est le Stade Olympique de Montréal.

Les vols sont réservés à ceux qui ont Internet à grand débit (haute vitesse).

Cliquez ici. Ensuite, cliquez deux fois sur START. Ne CLIQUEZ PAS sur 'select location' !

Lorsque l'avion bouge, cliquez dessus. Pour le contrôler, utilisez les quatre flèches de votre clavier. "A" pour accélérer, "Z" pour décélérer et "la bar d'espace" pour tirer. Remarquez l'ombrage de votre avion sur le stade!

Le quartier d'Aurélie-au-Canada est sous les nuages. Ce sera donc pour une prochaine fois.

Merci au site anglophone Blogue québécois pour m'avoir indiqué où était l'aéroport international de Googles Fligh Sim.

Bon vol !

Table des matières de mon site.

*** ****** ***** ****** ******** ********* ****** ***** ******* ****


Goggles Flight Sim allows you, thanks to Google Maps, to fly over your favourite city. Flights are reserved for high speed Internet users.

The flights that I propose leave Montreal's Olympic Stadium.

Click here. Then click twice on Start. DO NOT CLICK on "select location" ! When the plane starts moving, click on it. Then use the four arrows for steering, 'A' to accelerate and 'B' to decelerate.

Be sure to note the shadow of your plane on the stadium's roof !

Thanks to Blog Québécois for the FYI about Goggles Flight Sim.

Have a great flight. And please don't crash on my house!

Index of my site.


Mis à jour le 27 aout, 2006.
Updated August 27, 2006.

Le français suit.

This is an index of my previous posts in English:
For a list of all my posts, in chronological order, please see links.

Canadian and foreign politics and policies :

Aboriginals in Canada . I argue that Aboriginals in Canada are not getting a fair deal.

New Brunswick Election . Please de not vote Conservative in the 2006 New Brunswick elections.
Lazy bums . I argue you can't survive on welfare in Canada.

Down with the Queen . I argue that we should deminish the importance of the monarchy in Canada.

The immigration policies of Canada . Quick post about how mobility could be improved.

Taxes in Canada . Yes we have taxes in Canada. The systems is complex. You must read before moving to Canada.

Rona Ambrose: first lesbian Environment Minister . I poked fun at the new Environment Minister and her government's homophobia. If only the title was true.

Alberta Should Lower Tuition . I argue Alberta should be more like Quebec.

Maine should be Canadian. I argue, with irony I was tired), that Maine should be Canadian. This is the link I leave to annoy Americans.

International Mobility . I argue that Canada's immigrations law should change.

Allez vous coucher! Go lie down . The city of Ottawa can get lost in translation.

Global Climate Change . Funny, but true, caricature of Bush and global warming.

The President of Iran has a blog . Yes, he does!

Barbara Kay: made up facts . Barbara Kay lies in the National Post. Her infamous columns about Quebec anti-semitism are reposted.

Public transportation / Mass transit:

2800 Metros (Photos) . I think urban trains are cooler than cars. Links to some cool related Flickr slide shows.

Shanghai Maglev: 431km/hr . Google video of uber cool Maglev train.

Toronto subway video . Google video of Toronto's subway above grade.

Melbourne light rail video . Google video to prove Australia is a modern society.

Portland, Oregon, subway video . Google of video of the subway in Portland. Portland has a subway! Who knew?

Watch out for low bridges 'on' this bus . Funny Google video of third world public transportation.
On the bus, hamsters pay extra? . According to this Google video from the UK, a kid had to pay extra to get his hamster on the bus.

Next time, take the bus . Funny add.


Mother Nature has a sick sense of humour! Hurricane Ernesto, Katrina and Spike Lee.

Save Until Space is Needed. . One of my best posts so far. Review of the winter TV season with links to DVDs of some of the best shows.

Olympic TV coverage . Review of Olympic coverage.

TV over the Internet . Links to some interesting sites for those of you with high bandwidth (aka High Speed) Internet.

Pour les bébés canadiens For Canadian babies As ... Google video of all time best America's Funniest Home Video. (I posted it before it won.) . Be sure to have the sound on.

Geography and society:

Naked teens in Vermont . Newspaper article about teens going naked in a Vermont town.

Photos d'ici. Pictures of here . Links to Flickr pictures of my region (Madawaska County, NW New Brunswick.

Blogging about Kraft Dinner in French . The French are avid bloggers.

The World is a Pizza . Lazy attempt at interesting a world wide audience.

Iqualuit, Florida and Australia on Saturday night . I brag about my new MySpace map.

Map of MySpace Friends . Actual map of my MySpace friends using Frappr.

March of the Penguins . Penguins marching in Antarctica are fun to watch. Even better is clubbing Canadians seals. Links to a couple of Flash games.

Celtic culture . I reacted to a National Geographic article about Celtic culture.

Junk Mail Day: 911 was fake . About the weird 911 DVD I got in the mail.

Cowards-Lâches . List of suspects in the London airplane liquid bombing plot.

And you thought Pat Robertson was nuts . Link to a funny video of a Muslim Pat Robertson.

Locate your remote control . Some interesting products to make life easier in the living room.

The Internet:

Goggles Flight Sim . Link to a cool Internet game that allows you to "fly" over Google Maps.

Satellite Internet par satellite . Internet is available by satellite in Canada.

MySpace: web 2.0? Yah right! . Geocities meets Girls Gone Wild video.

MySpace . Funny MySpace explanation courtesy of the Unencyclopedia.

Focus, Focus, Focus. There is a blog about plastic chairs.

Bad credit and Trans Union . My attempt at generating money from advertising (didn't work).

Mesothelioma . My attempt at generating money from cancer (didn't work).

Day one. Jour un . First blog post ever.

If you have any suggestions about things I should write about, please leave a comment here (they are e-mailed to me, so forget about SPAM eh!). And I'm always on the lookout for relevant blogs to add to my links, so feel free to post the links.


Voici la table des matières de mes chroniques en français.
Pour une liste de tous mes billets, en ordre chronologique, veuillez cliquez ici.

Interdiction de fumer en Acadie . Il sera bienôt interdit de fumer au volant avec des enfants, et c'est tant mieux.

L'Australie vire a la gauche. Le parti Libéral (de droite) de l'Australie perd le pouvoir.

Un pays Catholique pour les Quebecois? . La place de l'Église catholique dans un pays québécois.

Roger Duguay: Un nouveau superhero Acadien . Roger Duguay, le nouveau chef du Nouveau parti démocratique du Nouveau-Brunswick (et le prochain premier minister ;-) )

Non au Blackberry, vive le Minitel! Canadian Spies... Le gouvernement français interdit le blackberry.

Sitel Moncton: le bon choix pour les unilingues fr... Sitel engage des francophones unilingues à Moncton.

L'apathie et les Tète a claques . Les gens ne votent pas! Même avec les Têtes à claques.

Gagnez 10 000 dollars si vout etes le 10 000ieme v... ; 10,000ième visiteur à mon blogue!

Les Québécois sont homophobes ; J'étais décu que le PQ finisse troisième.

ADQ est le Willy Waller 2007 ; Je n'aime pas l'ADQ.

. Une liste de plusieurs de mes billets en faveur de l'indépendance politique du Québec.

Montréal sans la loi 101: Moncton . Moncton est anglophone.

Tetesaclaques vs Acadieman . Deux phénomènes culturels, un Québécois, l'autre acadien.

Université de Moncton recrute des Affricains . Eh oui!

Jeff Fillion aime Barbara Kay

Adolescents nus au Vermont . Lorsqu'on est jeune et on a rien à faire, on se promène au centre-ville à poil.

Avortement au Nouveau-Brunswick . Pas facile de se faire avorter au NB.

Quittons l'OTAN

OUI . Dites OUI pour que le Québec soit un des nouveaux pays du 21ième du siècle.

Est-ce qu'on peut etre separatiste et Liberal? ;

Une nation sans la monarchie ;

995 raisons de ne pas voter pour Gerard Kennedy . Gerard Kennedy, candidat à la chefferie Libéral, très impopulaire au Québec, qui ne parle presque pas français. Il n'a pas gagné mais il a aidé Stéphan Dion à devenir chef.

Gerard Kennedy est trop peureux pour Tout le monde en parle! Ignatieff est allé sur cet émission, pas la poule mouillé qu'est Gerard Kennedy

TV Tonight-TELE ce soir

Parti Libéral: Course à quatre avec quelques désastres

Stagiaire francais Photo de la presse canadienne d'un match de football, description d'une parti de hockey.

Appel à la mobilisation des francophones du Canada ; mauvaise traduction d'une affiche à Ottawa.

Pure laine, comedie: Tele-Quebec et France 5!

Enjeux: discrimination . Reportage très émouvant sur la descrimination parmis les jeunes.

Compteur . J'ai installé un compteur sitemeter.

Mon pays . Fin de l'été... pour certains.

Bin Laden is dead. Ben Laden est mort. Je croyais que c'était vrai.

Un boycotte de Bell Canada?

Charest au Globe and Mail

Infoman - Rick Mercer

Guide pour les elections au Nouveau-Brunswick

Pret etudiant pour tous. Student loans for all.

René Lévesque ; Excellente mini-série sur l'ancien premier-ministre.

Elections au Nouveau-Brunswick

Bonne fête Acadiens . 15 aout, date importante. Lien vers des photos de l'Acadie et des plans historiques de l'acadie .

Arrêtez les subventions M. Bush . La relation entre les États-Unis et l'Israel dans le contexte de la guerre au Liban.

Photos d'ici. Pictures of here . Liens vers des photos sur le site anglophone Flickr (anglais non-requis)

Cowards-Lâches . Suspects dans le complot de bombardement des avions de Londres.

2 semaines de vacances par année . Les congés au Canada comparés.

Satellite Internet par satellite . Compagnies qui offre le service d'Internet par satellite.

2800 Metros (Photos) . Liens vers des photos de métros et autres trains urbains.

Guide sur la fiscalité canadienne . À lire avant d'immigrer!

La marche de l'empreur (pingouins) . Liens vers des jeux Flash concernant la chasse au phoque.

Allez vous coucher! Go lie down . Un exemple farfelu d'une mauvaise traduction à Ottawa.

C'est Pepsi icitte! . Au Québec, on boit du Pespi (c'est ce que nous dis l'annonce). Très drôle.

Si la Suisse peut gaganer au hockey... . Un argument de plus pour supporté l'indépendance du Québec?

La politique d'immigration du Canada . Elle devrait changer.

Jeff Fillion aime Barbara Kay . Lien vers une entrevue radiophonique qu'a accordé Barbara Kay à Jeff Fillion.

Goggles Flight Sim . Lien vers une photo de Montréal que vous pouvez survoller en avion grâce à un logiciel Flash. Vraiment bien!

Si vous avez des suggestions concernant mon blogue, n'hésitez pas à placer un commentaire ici (je les reçois par courriel, donc laisser faire les pouriels, en!). Si vous connaissez des sites qui devraient être dans mes liens (sur la page principale), envoyez-moi les. Même si c'est le votre!

Junk Mail Day: 911 was fake

Some of you may know that Tuesday is Junk Mail Day. There is very little mail on Tuesday because Tuesday mail is usually picked up on Saturday. Savvy marketers will therefor mail their junk mail Saturday so you get it in your otherwise empty mail box Tuesday.

So now you know.

Today, the only thing in my mail box was a DVD. Cool, a free DVD ! It was a propaganda video telling us that the horrible events of September 11, 2001, were all a conspiracy by the Bush administration and Israel to motivate the USA into going to war with Arab countries.


I'm not sure what the agenda behind the video is, or who paid for it, but that was one unconvincing movie.

The best part was when, for not apparent reason, they show us that monorails and sky scrapers are the way of the future and the solution to all are problems. Monorail à la Simpsons , Monorails in real life , Sky scraper utopia .

The worse part of this video wasn't the unbelievable theories and the manipulative arguments. No, the worse part was it was boring!

The guy at the beginning said books were not visual enough. So we watch a video of people talk at a conference. Then we watch a video conference in some studio (supposedly in Canada). A few dozen slides, the 911 video we have seen a billion times and that's it.

Towards the end, the actor moderating the conference tells us we have to stop using so much oil, so he tells us he drove long distance between A and B for 85$ in his hybrid car, which, the actor tells us, is cheaper then by Grey Hound (intercity bus).


1.Hybrid technology does not save any fuel on intercity highway travel (unless you are used to breaking a lot).
2. Using a hybrid car, alone, uses many times more fuel than taking an intercity bus.
3. Gas is a very small part of the cost of driving. If people calculated the actual cost of driving per km/mile (depreciation, oil, tires, breaks, insurance, etc.) they would drive much less.

The terrorists that caused the destruction in NY City, Washington DC and Pennsylvania scared me. But thinking that people might believe any part of this video is terrorising!





Arrêtez les subventions M. Bush

Les gouvernement des États-Unis donnent près de 3 milliard de dollars chaque année à Israel.

C'est plus qu'à n'importe qu'elle autre pays. Imaginez ce que cet argent pourrait accomplir en Afrique.

Le gouvernement du Canada ne donne rien à Israel.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2513159.stm


The President of Iran has a blog

The President of Iran has a blog, translated in two languages (English and Arabic.There is an icon for French, but it is inactive.)

The translation is actually pretty good. He goes on and on, as bloggers ten to do, but ends with the following:

"I will continue this topic later on as it took long in the beginning. From now onwards, I will try to make it shorter and simpler.

With hope in God, I intend to wholeheartedly complete my talk in future with allotted fifteen minutes."

Maybe George Bush should get a blog.


Photos d'ici. Pictures of here


Marianne m'a suggéré de mettre des photos de mon coin de pays. Très bonne idée sauf que je n'ai pas vraiment envie de faire le touriste.

Donc pour ceux que ça intéressent, voici ce qu'a l'air le Nord-Ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick, la région voisine d'Aroostook, Maine, et l'Acadie.

Edmundston , Aroostook , Kedgwick , Fort Kent , Acadie/Acadia

INDEX de mon site

Marianne suggested that I put pictures from my area on my blog. I don't feel like being a tourist today, so for those of you who may be curious, here is what the North-West of New-Brunswick, the neighbouring region of Aroostook, Maine, and Acadia look like. (Click on links above)

INDEX of this blog


International Mobility

Canada should negotiate mobility agreements with other countries. If New Zealanders and Australians can live in each other's country, why not Canada and the UK? Or Canada and Australia? Or, gasp, Canada and the United States?

Canadians could embarrass the United-States by negotiating a mobility agreement with Mexico. In a sense, we already have one as there are limited mobility provisions under the North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA).

It would be easy, it would be cheap, and based on Australian-New Zealand experience, a small percentage of people would take advantage of it. But it would increase the freedom of all Canadians.

With countries that we do not negotiate a mobility agreement, we should admit immigrants on an auction basis. If any money is generated under this scheme, then Canada could spend it on making aboriginal reservations bigger. The current point system is unfair, creates high expectation among applicants, and is inherently bureaucratic.

The following is from: cepa.ncpa.org

The Case of the Czech Republic
There are currently about 17,000 Czechs working in Great Britain; 5,000 in Ireland; and 150 in Sweden. Such numbers hardly give substance to arguments about the threat of a Central European deluge onto Western labor markets. As Katerina Berankova, spokeswoman for the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs told Central Europe Digest in an interview, "Czechs are not used to moving for jobs even within the country, let alone moving abroad."

In fact, the Czech Republic hosts more foreign workers than it sends abroad. There are over 75,000 workers from its eastern neighbor Slovakia (up from 58,000 two years ago) and close to 13,000 from Poland (up from 7,000). Even so, the country needs more workers. "We expect to have shortage of 420,000 qualified workers in 2030," says Berankova. This is why the Czech government has already established projects targeted at attracting job-seekers from countries outside the EU, such as Bulgaria, Canada, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.



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