
  • 07:17 Buying Apple shares is increasingly risky. Still, this CBC #iPad poll gives pause: bit.ly/cTpnWw #
  • 07:37 @CTVCanadaAM What NASCAR story? #
  • 07:49 @vhe74 J'ai une faillite à mon dossier qui indique le contraire... #
  • 07:52 @hendricius You sure that is 60 milles per hour wind and not kilometres? #
  • 08:20 Hard to imagine, but there are places in Italy that are colder than Moncton right now. (not at same altitude) #
  • 14:21 @jrambo001 Israel denying the right to vote to the majority is is just wrong. It is not democracy. #
  • 14:23 @jrambo001 Folks in Michigan can still vote despite Timohy McVeight. Arest the criminals. #
  • 14:27 @jrambo001 That is the main reason a one state solution is off the table.Jews fear being a minority beacsuse of West Bank & Gaza. #
  • 14:34 @jrambo001 So the South should be denied the right to vote because of the Baptist Church burnings and the KKK? #
  • 14:40 @jrambo001 That's like saying Christianity supports the KKK and Timothy McVeight, so Christianity is your enemy. #
  • 14:42 @jennamacneil Perhaps you need 8.1 hours of sleep. #
  • 17:46 My Mom agrees with the French Newspaper article that says the Acadian coast is warmer, in the winter, than the rest of Canada. Proof anyone? #
  • 17:48 Amazing, @LovelyButton is well on her way to have more followers on Twitter than Jay Leno. #
  • 18:02 Follow @ConansMom simply for the excellent photoshop. #
  • 18:21 Nice ego boost. I'm part of twitter.com/addicted2lifeca/good-for-the-soul #
  • 18:33 @KristiColleen www.thestar.com/living/fashion/article/770521--grey-hair-is-suddenly-in-style #
  • 18:35 @KristiColleen Spring in Moncton starts in June. Hence all the March charters south. #
  • 18:38 @CaliLewis I've given up on icons. Ins pired by Windows 7, I just use the search feature. #
  • 18:45 Looking at the dollar, I think it is time to assume the iPad will be the same price points as in the USA (but in Canadian dollars). #
  • 19:15 @chris24 The iMac is listed pretty much at the same price in the USA and Canada.... #
  • 02:09 @joshzel I'm afraid many people, including Obama and Biden, are of the opinion that Israel does not include East-Jerusalem. #
  • 02:14 @litterthisheart I suppose All Gore will claim it. (since he once claimed to have i nvented the Internet) #
  • 02:28 Please tweet your lotto 6/49 numbers so I don't take them. I don't want to share Saturday's 30 million prize. #
  • 02:34 " Ramat Shlomo, un quartier annexé par Israël en 1967. La communauté internationale ne reconnaît pas cette annexion." #
  • 02:45 @joshzel Well, it would certainly make sense to have the entire city in one country. Although there are plenty of international cities... #
  • 02:51 @Hashmonean Be careful what you wish for. With land comes people. People who will have voting rights... #
  • 03:00 @Hashmonean Well, I assume you want Israel to be continuous land mass. I defy you to draw a border that excludes WB Arabs. #
  • 03:09 @Hashmonean Wishful thinking on your part. Many Palestinians want Israel to integrate entire West Bank.That would be end of "Jewish" Israel #
  • 03:15 Canada's message to Israel should be clear: We will not tolerate ethnic cleansing. We dropped bombs on Serbia, we can drop them on Israel. #
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